
Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.

Congratulations to Dr. Joe Sink for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis

Friday, November 18, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Joe Sink for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis November 10! 
Don Gurnett Distinguished Alumni Award

Gurnett Honored With Distinguished Alumni Faculty Award

Thursday, November 17, 2022
The University of Iowa Center for Advancement posthumously honored Professor Donald Gurnett with a Distinguished Alumni Faculty Award at a Homecoming week ceremony on Oct. 28.
Iowa Space Grant Consortium banner

Graduate Students Awarded ISGC Fellowships

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Five Physics and Astronomy graduate students will receive the Iowa Space Grant Consortium's (ISGC) Graduate Fellowship Award.

Payne Accepted to NASA/JPL's  Astrophysics Mission Design School

Thursday, November 10, 2022
Graduate Student Jacob Payne has been accepted to the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Astrophysics Mission Design School. The Science Mission Design Schools are designed to prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers for participation and leadership in space science missions of the future.
Parker Solar Probe artist's concept

Halekas Awarded Grant to Study Solar Wind

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Professor Jasper Halekas has been awarded $128,705 from the University of Minnesota and NASA to analyze data collected from the Parker Solar Probe to study charged particles and electromagnetic fields in the solar wind.
Jared Termini in lab at Univ. of Iowa

Graduate Student Jared Termini Receives Highly Competitive National Fellowship

Graduate Student Jared Termini has landed a highly competitive national fellowship that is giving him a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with scientists and engineers at NASA centers all over the country.

Science Coalition Features Profs. Klezting, Flatté

The Science Coalition has featured projects conducted by Profs. Craig Kletzing and Micheal Flatte as examples of how university researchers are utilizing federal funding to conduct future-driven research.
Emerson and Melissa Peters at FURF22

Undergrads Present Posters at Research Festival

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Physics and Astronomy students presented 11 posters at the Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF) Nov. 2 at the University Capitol Centre. The Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates hosts FURF, held in celebration and recognition of undergraduate researchers' contributions to research, scholarly, and creative work at the University of Iowa.

Ballard & Seashore Dissertation Fellowship Recipients

Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Congratulations to Daniel Simons and Dustin Swarm for being awarded he Ballard & Seashore Dissertation Fellowship for the Spring of 2023.

UI Physics Makes Gain in U.S. News Rankings

In the latest U.S. News global rankings, the University of Iowa's subject ranking in physics increased from No. 176 to No. 146.