
Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.

Staff Council Spotlight: Chris Piker

Chris Piker, Senior Database Administrator, was profiled in the January 2023 UI Staff Council newsletter.
George McCrory volunteering for American Red Cross

McCrory Helped Hurricane Ian Victims Recover From Storm

George McCrory, a longtime communications professional for the UI, currently working in the Physics and Astronomy Department, splits his time between his work at Iowa and giving back to his community.

Stille Earns Professional Development Award

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Dale Stille has been selected to receive a $500 Mary Louise Kelley Professional Development Award to attend the 2023 American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) conference.
James Schroeder Wheaton College

UI Physics Alumni Receives AAS Early Career Award

The Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) is presenting its 2023 Early Career Award to Professor James W. R. Schroeder of Wheaton College, who received his PhD in physics from the University of Iowa. The award recognizes Prof. Schroeder’s experimental confirmation of the acceleration of auroral electrons by Alfvén waves in the laboratory.

Reno Named New DEO

Thursday, January 5, 2023
Prof. Mary Hall Reno has been named the new Departmental Executive Officer of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, effective Jan. 1, 2023.
Georg Hospodarsky presents at Kirkwood Center

Hospodarsky Speaks to 7th Graders at Kirkwood Center

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Research Scientist/Engineer George Hospodarsky gave six presentations about space physics to 120 7th graders on Dec. 19 at the Kirkwood Linn County Regional Center in Hiawatha.
2022_12_17 CLAS Commencement

Congratulations Fall 2022 Graduates!

Monday, December 19, 2022
Several students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy were candidates for degrees at Fall Commencement ceremonies Dec. 16-17. 
Ravitej Uppu in lab with students

Uppu Awarded Early Career Scholars Grant

Friday, December 16, 2022
Assistant Professor Ravitej Uppu has been awarded $30,000 from the Office of the Vice President for Research's Early Career Scholars program for a project titled “Pushing the frontiers of spectroscopy with quantum entangled photons.”

Henderson Wins Pierazzo Travel Award

Monday, December 12, 2022
Graduate Student Sarah Henderson has won the highly competitive 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award for a U.S. graduate student going to a planetary-related conference outside of the U.S.
 Prof. Fred Skiff speaking

Skiff Awarded Interdisciplinary Research Grant

Friday, December 2, 2022
Professor Fred Skiff will receive an Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IDRG) from the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies for his project, “Flame Sonification and Flame-based Audio Effect Processing.”