Physics/Astronomy - Office Administration | ||
Name | Room | Phone |
Mary Hall Reno – DEO | 211 VAN | 335-1689 |
Professor Vincent Rodgers – Director of Graduate Studies | 513 VAN | 335-1219 |
Professor Jane Nachtman – Director of Undergraduate Studies | 106 VAN | 335-1844 |
Professor John Prineas – Director of Research Operations | 136 IATL | 335-3347 |
Heather Mineart – Administrator | 211 VAN | 335-1688 |
Front desk support/main office Fax | 203 VAN 225 VAN | 335-1686 335-1753 |
Misty Lyon - Asst. to the DEO | 204 VAN | 335-3238 |
Cyerra Hutchins - Graduate Program Coordinator | 202 VAN | 467-1517 |
Matt Larson - Academic Services | 202 VAN | 467-1480 |
Andrea Shaevitz – Finance/Sponsored Projects Post Award/Dept. Budgets/ MFK Management Including Students, Postdocs, and Employees | 216B VAN | 335-1691 |
Travis Dillavou – Sponsored Projects Post Award/MFK Management Including Students, Postdocs, and Employees (Condensed Matter Group only) | G60-D PBSB | 467-0280 |
Marcia Rogers – Pre-Award of Sponsored Projects/Proposals & Mods | 216A VAN | 335-2756 |
BizHub Copier, Poster Printer, Shipping & Receiving (See Front Desk for questions) | 225 VAN | 335-1686 |
Xerox/Copy Machine/Poster Printer (Front Desk) | 225 VAN | 335-3238 |
CLAS Human Resources | ||
Name | Room | Phone |
Chris Crawford, HR Manager | 240 SH | 467-4822 |
Transaction Hub | 467-4822 |
Physics/Astronomy - IT Support | ||
Name | Room | Phone |
Brad Carson – Sr. Systems Admin. for Research | 214 VAN | 335-2243 |
Ryan Hallock – IT Desktop Support | 210A VAN | 467-4007 |
Sara Sickelka – Purchasing/Accounts Payable/P-Cards/Travel | Remote | 335-0902 |
Physics/Astronomy - Service Centers | ||
Name | Room | Phone |
Electronics Repair and Calibration Shop – Mike Estenson | 508 VAN | 335-1890 |
Electronics Assembly Shop – Mike Webb | 509 VAN | 335-1901 |
Engineering – Mike Miller | B26 VAN | 335-1834 |
Machine Shop – Matt Miller and Toby Tompkins | 116 VAN | 335-1845 |
Quality Assurance | 210D VAN | 467-4434 |
Physics/Astronomy - Instructional Support | ||
Name | Room | Phone |
Observing Room | 707E VAN | 335-1605 |
Sciences Library (SL) | 450 SL | 467-4535 |
Dr. Anthony Moeller, Instructional Services Specialist (Physics) | 250 VAN | 335-1754 |
Andi Swirbul, Instructional Services Specialist (Astronomy) | 653 VAN | TBA |
Dale Stille, Lecture Demonstrations, Outreach | 60 VAN | 335-1833 |
University - Contact Information | |
Name | Phone |
Campus Mail (pick-up and delivery to Rm. 203 twice daily) | 384-3800 |
General Stores | 384-3900 |
Graduate Admissions | 335-1525 |
Graduate College | 335-2144 |
Human Resources | 335-3558 |
International Admissions (OISS) | 335-1534 |
Iowa Book and Supply | 337-8376 |
IMU Book Store (Iowa Hawk Shop) | 335-3179 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences – Dean’s Office | 335-2611 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences – Undergraduate Programs Office | 335-2633 |
Maintenance | 335-5071 |
Parking, Information and Reporting | 335-1475 |
Payroll | |
Post Office (Iowa City) | 354-1560 |
Printing Department (CBSB) | 384-3700 |
University Police: — Routine calls/non-emergency — Emergency | 335-5022 (9)911 |
Registrar Service Center (Registration and Information) — Transcripts | 335-0238 335-0230 |
Room Reservations (make room reservations through Administration office) | 335-3238 |
Space Planning and Utilization | 335-1243 |
Sponsored Programs | 335-2123 |
Physics and Astronomy - Who Does What | ||
What | Who | Where |
Administrative Issues | Heather Mineart | 207 VAN |
Graduate Admissions and Program Coordinator | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Advisor Changes | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
American Physical Society (APS) application forms | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Change of Address forms for Department | Misty Lyon | 204 VAN |
Coffee Club ($5/month – coffee in Rm 316) | Misty Lyon | 204 VAN |
Colloquium Coordination | Asst. Prof. Ravi Uppu / Matt Larson | 213 VAN / 202 VAN |
Computer e-mail accounts | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |
Computer hardware repair issues | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |
Copy/Xerox/Poster Printer | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Course Schedules | Matt Larson | 202 VAN |
Deadlines – Graduate College | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Degree objective changes | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Graduate degree requirements | Prof. Vincent Rodgers | 513 VAN |
Assistant to the DEO | Misty Lyon | 204 VAN |
Departmental Executive Officer (DEO) | Prof. Mary Hall Reno | 211 VAN |
Drop/Add slips | Matt Larson | 202 VAN |
ESL requirements | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Equivalent course determination | Prof. Vincent Rodgers | 513 VAN |
FAX (319-335-1753) | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Funding (special requests) | Heather Mineart | 211 VAN |
Office furniture allocation | Misty Lyon | 204 VAN |
Graduation information / deadlines | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Health insurance | Staff Benefits | 120 USB |
Keys | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Lab coordination (Physics) | Dr. Anthony Moeller | 250 VAN |
Lab coordination (Astronomy) | Andi Swirbul | 653 VAN |
Lecture demonstration coordination | Dale Stille | 58 VAN |
Lost and Found (Van Allen) | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Maintenance/building problems | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Meeting room reservations | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Office assignments (Graduate Students) | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Parking placard | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Payroll questions | | |
Personnel / HR questions | Chris Crawford | 467-4822 |
Plans of Study / Request for Comp and Final Exam | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Schedule of Courses | Matt Larson | 203 VAN |
Sciences Library | Carol Hollier | 450 VAN |
Shipping of packages (Domestic and International) | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Social activities (Departmental) | Misty Lyon | 204 VAN |
Software purchases / licensing | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |
Student computer room questions | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |
Supplies | Administration Office | 203 VAN |
Surplus old computer software / hardware | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |
Teaching assignments | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Textbook checkout (TAs) | Cyerra Hutchins | 202 VAN |
Transfer credits (Graduate) | Prof. Vincent Rodgers | 513 VAN |
Transfer credits (Undergraduate) | Prof. Jane Nachtman | 106 VAN |
Travel requests | Sara Sickelka | Remote |
Windows OS and Windows software expert | Ryan Hallock/Tim Lissovsky | 210A VAN |