
Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Spring 2021 PhD grads

Congratulations May Graduates!

Monday, May 16, 2022
Several students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy were candidates for degrees at the University of Iowa Spring Commencement Ceremonies on May 13 and 14. 
 PLASMIC detector stack – flight model PLASMIC daughterboard

Jaynes Awarded $543,000 To Build Auroral Particle Detector

Thursday, May 5, 2022
Associate Professor Allison Jaynes has been awarded $543,000 from the University of Colorado, Boulder to build and deliver an energetic particle instrument for a rocket mission, COUSIN: A Study of Small-Scale Auroral Region Energy Deposition.
space weather

NASA awards UI $250,000 for space weather research

NASA selected the University of Iowa as one of three recipients of a $250,000 award for a study to help improve space weather forecasting. Over the next four months, a team led by Assistant Professor David Miles at UI will develop and perfect plans for an instrument called a magnetometer. This instrument will better help understand how storms from the sun can affect vulnerable infrastructure on earth like the electrical grid.

Termini To Receive NASA NSTGRO Award

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Graduate Research Assistant Jared Termini is a recipient of a 2022 NASA Graduate Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO) award. 
Reiner Gamma region of the moon

CBS2: Halekas Receives Grant to Study "Moon Swirls"

In March, Jasper Halekas received a grant from NASA for $160,433 for "Lunar Vertex," a study led by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. The goal of the mission is to determine the origin of a unique, swirling feature on the moon's surface.
GDC mission  and tesseract sensor

NASA Considers UI Magnetometers for GDC Mission

NASA has selected three investigation teams to join the agency’s Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission science team in studying Earth’s upper atmosphere, as well as five additional investigations, including one from the University of Iowa, that will be under consideration for inclusion in the mission. In an announcement on April 26, NASA said the MAGnetometers to Advance GDC (MAG) investigation, led by UI Assistant Professor David Miles, will receive $250,000 to conduct an approximately four-month study. At the end of this period, NASA will select up to two investigations to join the GDC mission.
Awards Colloquium graphic

2022 Awards Colloquium Held April 26

Tuesday, April 26, 2022
The Department of Physics and Astronomy honored several students, faculty, and staff for their achievements on April 26 at the 2022 Awards Colloquium in 301 VAN.

Daily Iowan: TRACERS Mission Moves to Next Phase

Scientists at the University of Iowa have passed a critical review by NASA and will soon begin building two satellites to study the sun’s effects on earth’s magnetosphere.
Joshua Steffen's thesis defense committee

Six Graduate Students Successfully Defend Theses

Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Congratulations to six graduate students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy who successfully defended their theses in April!
lunar research grant Jasper halekas DI

Daily Iowan: Halekas Receives Grant to Research Lunar Magnetic Fields

University of Iowa associate professor Jasper Halekas was granted over $160,000 to further examine the surface of the moon’s magnetic field. The mission is expected to launch in 2024 for two weeks.