Articles from 2023

Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Greg Howes horiz

Howes Receives NASA Grant

Professor Greg Howes has received a NASA Heliophysics Supporting Research grant to support supercomputer simulations and analysis of spacecraft data to better understand how particles in space are accelerated to high energy.
Pulsating aurora

Jaynes Receives Grant for LAMPsat Instrumentation

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Associate Professor Allison Jaynes has received a $44,018 award from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory to support the development of a University of Iowa energetic particle detector instrument for a CubeSat concept mission to study energetic precipitation into the atmosphere from space, particularly during times of a widespread, common type of aurora called pulsating aurora.
Owen Fiedorowicz presents a physics poster

Students Present Posters at Fall Undergraduate Research Festival

Monday, November 13, 2023
Three Physics and Astronomy students presented posters at the Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF) on Nov. 8 at the University Capitol Centre.
Phi Beta Kappa banner

Seven Physics & Astronomy Students Invited to Join Phi Beta Kappa

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa has invited seven Physics and Astronomy undergraduates to join the society, the oldest and most prestigious undergraduate honors organization in the United States. The undergraduates are Eric Biedke, Ryan Dunn, Jeffry Lieberton, Aditya Desai, Philippe Jay, Emerson Peters, Brandon Stephanie.

Onel Awarded Grant from Fermi Research Alliance

Thursday, October 26, 2023
The Fermi Research Alliance has awarded Prof. Yasar Onel a $91,257 grant to design a helium gas closed-loop regulation system for the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam monitors at Fermilab in Illinois. The NuMI project creates an intense beam of neutrinos aimed toward the NOvA Far Detector facility near Ash River, Minn.
David Miles inspects an instrument at Van Allen Hall.

Daily Iowan: UI professors build instruments for space mission set to launch with SpaceX in 2025

David Miles, a University of Iowa associate professor of physics and astronomy, recently took over as the principal investigator on a satellite mission that will study the near-Earth orbit. Miles is leading the project after the death of UI professor Craig Kletzing in August.
Physics demonstration show

Stille Named APS Fellow

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Dale Stille, an Instructional Resource Specialist. in the Department of Physics and Astronomy has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).

Blend Receives Visiting Scholar Award to Work at Fermilab

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Graduate Student Dylan Blend has been awarded $16,400 from the Universities Research Association's (URA) Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) to work on the CMS Outer Tracker Phase II Upgrade at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Image of Jovian Whistlers from Voyager I

Kurth Comments on Origins of Astronomical Sonification

In this article in Salon about astronomical sonification, Bill Kurth says its origins can be traced back to at least the 1970s when the Voyager-1 spacecraft recorded electromagnetic wave signals in space that were sent back down to his team on Earth, where they were processed as audio recordings.
Allison Jaynes at Van Allen Observatory

Daily Iowan: Jaynes breaks barriers, wins two prestigious awards

In a male-dominated field, University of Iowa space and plasma physics associate professor Allison Jaynes faces inequity without hesitation. Jaynes recently won the Katherine E. Weimer Award for women working in the plasma physics field as well as the 2023 American Geophysical Union James B. Macelwane Medal, which recognizes early career scientists for their contributions to earth and space science.