Articles from 2021

Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Henry Hammer and Nachtman

Students Present Posters at Fall Undergraduate Research Festival

Monday, November 15, 2021
Nine Physics and Astronomy students presented posters at the Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF) Nov. 10 at the University Capitol Centre. Zachary Vig and Hank Hammer won $100 prizes in the Department poster contest.

From small towns to a big NASA gig

Recent University of Iowa graduates Andrew Carton and Ryan Helland grew up in small communities in Iowa never dreaming they’d be involved in space research. But through their academic experiences at Iowa, they both secured jobs with a landmark NASA mission.
Brian metzger

Iowa Public Radio: What are the origins of gold in the universe? UI alum Brian Metzger found the answer

Gold is a metal, but, surprisingly, we know little about its origins. How is gold made? How did it get on earth? Why is gold more rare than other metals on Earth? Being the stuff of legends, these seem like questions we should have answered long ago. It turns out Burlington-local Brian Metzger was recently able to bring some clarity to these long-standing questions. Metzger studied math and physics at the University of Iowa and went on to receive his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.

Koseyan wins Universities Research Association award

Monday, November 1, 2021
Ohannes Kamer Koseyan, a Ph.D student in Professor Yasar Onel's lab, has won an award from Universities Research Association in the amount of $10,000. 

Congratulations to Hunter Reaves!

Friday, October 29, 2021
Congratulations to Austin "Hunter" Reaves for successfully defending his Master's thesis today! Hunter will graduate with his Master's in Physics this December.
FIREBALL2 Keri Hoadley

Daily Iowan: Hoadley takes on FIREBall-2 mission

From the Daily Iowan: University of Iowa Assistant Professor Keri Hoadley received a national award to help further pursue her research on FIREBall-2. This will involve the use of a balloon telescope to find and navigate gas emissions.

UI researchers win award to build magnetometers on nanosatellites

Monday, October 25, 2021
Two researchers at the University of Iowa have been awarded $598,563 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to build constellation ready magnetometers for use on small spacecraft.
Quantum Physics

Physicists describe photons’ characteristics inherent to protecting future quantum computing

In a new study, the researchers describe theoretically how many indistinguishable photons can be sent simultaneously down a fiber-optical cable to establish secure communications, and how rapidly these quantum codes can send information.
FIREBall moon

Hoadley awarded grant for FIREBall-2 mission

Thursday, October 14, 2021
Keri Hoadley, assistant professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa, recently won a $99,880 award from the California Institute of Technology to continue her work on the Faint Intergalactic-medium Redshifted Emission Balloon (FIREBall-2) mission.

Heitritter wins award for quantum computing work at Fermilab

Thursday, October 14, 2021
The Universities Research Association has awarded $2,000 to UI Visiting Assistant Professor Kenneth Heitritter as part of its Visiting Scholars Program. The award will allow him to work at Fermilab on "Toward applications of quantum computing for string fragmentation in the context of the PYTHIA event generator." Professor Yannick Meurice is the principal investigator on the project.