Articles from 2021

Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Webb Telescope Launch

Gazette: Hoadley anticipated JWST launch

Assistant Professor Keri Hoadley anticipated the James Webb Telescope telescope launch on Dec. 25. “It's going to be able to see further and further back in time than Hubble can, to when the first galaxies and maybe even the first stars formed," she said.
Salvatore Quaid

Quaid Receives John and Elsie Mae Ferentz Research Fund Award

Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Physics and Astronomy student Salvatore Quaid been selected to receive a $1,000 award from the John and Elsie Mae Ferentz Research Fund for the fall 2021 semester.

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew McCubbin!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Andrew McCubbin for successfully defending his PhD thesis this week! Committee: Professors Greg Howes, Jasper Halekas, Craig Kletzing, Frederick Skiff, and Sarah Vigmostad Thesis Title: A STUDY OF COLLISIONLESS PARTICLE ENERGIZATION IN CURRENT SHEETS: ROLES OF TURBULENCE AND MAGNETIC RECONNECTION
fall 21 grad

Congratulations Fall Graduates!

Friday, December 17, 2021
Several students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy were candidates for degrees at Fall Commencement ceremonies Dec. 17-18. 

Kaaret Quoted in Article About NASA's X-ray Polarimetry Explorer

Prof. Phil Kaaret is quoted in a Science magazine article about NASA's IXPE mission, which could reveal the magnetic engines of stellar remnants and the mechanics of black hole jets by measuring polarized light.

George Hospodarsky Presents at STEAM Institute

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
George Hospodarsky presented 6 sessions at the STEAM Institute for 7th graders on Nov 24, 2021 at the Kirkwood Regional Center at The University of Iowa, 2301 Oakdale Boulevard, Coralville, IA.
andrew carton

Dyersville Commercial: Carton works on NASA projects at UI

Andrew Carton grew up Earlville, Iowa, never dreaming he would be involved in space research. But through his academic experiences at Iowa, he is now an electrical design engineer working with NASA to help develop space-faring scientific instruments on the TRACERS project.

Congratulations to Tyler Grover for defending Master's thesis and passing PhD Comprehensive Exam!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Graduate student, Tyler Grover, successfully defended his Master's thesis and passed his PhD Comprehensive Exam on Friday, November 19th. Tyler will receive his Master's in Physics degree this December, while continuing on in the PhD program.

Congratulations to Joseph Sink on Master's degree and successful comprehensive exam

Monday, November 22, 2021
Congratulations to graduate student, Joe Sink on passing his PhD comprehensive exam on November 11, 2021. Joe will also receive his Master's degree in Physics in December, 2021.  His committee members are Professors Craig Pryor (advisor), Michael Flatte, Thomas Folland, Yannick Meurice, and David Andersen. 
deroo cbs 2 vid cap

Russian anti-satellite test can threaten future University of Iowa projects

In this CBS 2 story, Associate Professor Casey DeRoo discusses the Russian anti-satellite test and the impact it could have to projects he and other researchers at UI are working on.