Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Congratulations to Dr. Rachael Filwett on her new NASA award!
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The award is for myself and 3 Co-I's (located at APL, SwRI, and University of Alabama Huntsville) to investigate the 'seed' particles, also called suprathermal particles. Seed particles are the particles that are accelerated most efficiently in shocks. When coronal mass ejections come off the sun they are often accompanied by shocks, and these shocks pick up the particles hanging around in the near-Sun environment and accelerate them up to high energies. It's not just coronal mass ejections that accelerate particles but other solar wind interaction mechanisms, such as stream interaction regions too.

Could space storms affect life on Earth? University of Iowa researchers are trying to find out
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Beginning around the time of the Space Age, a trove of researchers at the University of Iowa have asked the right scientific questions and, as a result, launched the first successful U.S. spacecraft, discovered the Earth's radiation belts, gotten an up-close glimpse of interstellar space and explained the phenomena of the Northern Lights, among many other milestones.

Stille Takes Part in Demo at AAPT Summer Meeting
Monday, August 23, 2021
Dale Stille, instructional services specialist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, was a presenter in a physics demonstration held in conjunction with the American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting July 31- Aug. 4.
Congratulations to Dr. Cassandra Bogh for successfully defending her PhD thesis
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Cassandra Bogh who successfully defended her PhD thesis August 4th!
Welcome Graduate Students!
Monday, August 16, 2021
We kicked off our New Graduate Student Orientation today. We have a great incoming class and we're excited to see what great things you all will be doing in the years to come!
Dale Stille presents at American Association of Physics Teachers, July 31st - August 4th
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Dale Stille was a co-presenter at a physics demonstration held in conjunction with the American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting July 31- August 4.
Congratulations to Professor David Miles and team on the NASA funding of a small concept study for a 24 cubesat solar wind mission!
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Unlike the vast majority of astrophysical plasmas, the solar wind is accessible to spacecraft, which for decades have carried in-situ instruments for directly measuring its particles and fields. Though such measurements provide precise and detailed information, a single spacecraft on its own cannot disentangle spatial and temporal fluctuations.
Congratulations to Dr. Kenny Heitritter on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Heitritter on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis!
Congratulations to Dr. Anindya Ghosh on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis!
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Anindya Ghosh for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis on July 16, 2021.
Congratulations to Professor Ravi Uppu and team on being awarded the P3 Jumpstarting Tomorrow Seed Grant
Friday, July 16, 2021
Jumpstarting Tomorrow, a hybrid pilot grant/community-building program, will support innovative and collaborative teams that could become the vanguard for future strategic research investments by the university. The initiative was made possible through $2 million in funding to RDO from the first round of disbursements related to the UI utility public-private partnership (P3).