Articles from April 2024

Faculty and Staff: Submit grant awards, honors, research publications, accepted talks, and other news items through the faculty and staff news form.
Eclipse watch party on the University of Iowa Pentacrest

Thousands Gather on Campus for Partial Solar Eclipse

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Physics and Astronomy faculty, staff, and students teamed with the UI Sciences Library to host an eclipse viewing event on the Pentacrest and the Sciences Library Courtyard on April 8. Thousands of people attended the event, turning to the sky to witness the phenomenon.
Noah Wessels presents his poster at SURF

Students Present Posters at Spring Undergraduate Research Festival

Thursday, April 4, 2024
Three Physics and Astronomy students presented posters at the Spring Undergraduate Research Festival (SURF) on April 3 at the University Capitol Centre.
Students view the 2017 solar eclipse

Grab some eclipse glasses and take part in this solar phenomenon on the Pentacrest on April 8

The Department of Physics and Astronomy and the University of Iowa Sciences Library are hosting an eclipse viewing event on the Pentacrest and in the Sciences Library Courtyard from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on April 8.
Griffin, Grover Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award winners

Griffin, Grover To Receive Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards

Monday, April 1, 2024
The University of Iowa Council on Teaching has selected Graduate Students Philip Griffin and Tyler Grover to receive 2023-2024 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards. The award recognizes teaching assistants who have demonstrated outstanding abilities at the University of Iowa.

Iowa Now: Uppu Earns National Science Foundation grant

A University of Iowa condensed matter and materials physicist has been named a National Science Foundation CAREER scholar, an award given to early-career faculty for research and education. Ravitej Uppu, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, will explore the electronic and photonic properties of light-matter interactions at the single-emitter level, enabling the generation of multi-photon entangled states of light.