

Ohannes Kamer Koseyan

Graduate Research Assistant
Ohannes Kamer Koseyan's research interests include experimental data analysis for the decay modes of the Higgs Boson and testing and development of hardware for high energy particle detectors. Before starting his Ph.D. program in the University of Iowa, he worked at the phase 1 upgrade of the CMS experiment at CERN during his MS studies.
Amila Kumara

Amila Kumara

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Kupari, Luke

Luke Kupari

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Philip Kurian

Philip Kurian, Ph.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Philip Kurian is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
Kathy Kurth

Kathy Kurth

Bill Kurth

William Kurth, Ph.D.

Research Scientist/Engineer
Bill is a long-time member of the Radio and Plasma Wave Group at Iowa. He studies radio and plasma waves in planetary magnetospheres, the solar wind, and the interstellar medium. He is a co-investigator on the Voyager Plasma Wave investigation currently in the interstellar medium and is the lead for the Waves instrument on Juno in orbit at Jupiter. He was also the lead for the Waves instruments on Van Allen Probes and a Principal Investigator on the Cassini Mission to Saturn. Bill is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and was awarded the NASA Outstanding Public Leadership Medal.
Cornelia Lang

Cornelia C. Lang, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (CLAS)
Cornelia Lang's research interests focus on understanding the astrophysics at the very center of our Milky Way Galaxy and of other nearby galaxies. She uses radio telescopes at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in New Mexico, as well as satellites such as the Hubble Space Telescope. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Iowa Space Grant Consortium, and several UI Internal Grants. She serves as chair of the Working Group on the Galactic Center of the International Astronomical Union.

Patrick Langer

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Student Mentor
Patrick majored in Physics with a minor in Math during his undergraduate career. He currently is working with Dr. Skiff, researching kinetic wave scattering in plasmas. His aspirations are to contribute substantial research to the field of plasma physics, and to potentially consider teaching as well.
Matt Larson

Matt Larson

Administrative Services Coordinator
Amanda Lasko

Amanda Lasko

Aerospace Project Engineer

Yogendra Limbu

Graduate Research Assistant
Karl E.  Lonngren

Karl E. Lonngren, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Karl E. Lonngren is a Professor Emeritus in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
Misty Lyon

Misty Lyon

Assistant to the Departmental Executive Officer
Christopher Macias

Christopher Macias, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Christopher's research areas include; Experimental Particle Physics: Neutrino Oscillations, Instrumentation Development for Particle Physics: Scintillation Properties of Liquid Argon, and Integrated Systems, Detector Readout, Data Acquisition.
Maleki Sanukesh

Mehdi (Kian) Maleki Sanukesh

Graduate Research Assistant
Kian Maleki is interested in theoretical condensed matter physics. He is working as a research assistant with Prof. Flatté. His current project is about defect-phonon interaction in hBN.
Usha Mallik

Usha Mallik, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Usha Mallik is a Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa. Her research interests include experimental elementary particle physics. She has been involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN.

Brady Martin

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Brady Martin is currently conducting research for Dr. Wayne Polyzou in the field of theoretical nuclear physics. His research focuses on the study of many-body nuclear scattering events dominated by cluster reactions with particular interest in the effective interactions between clusters. Careful attention is given to the use of partition combinatorics in multi-channel scattering theory.
Gabriel Martin

Gabriel Martin

Administrative Services Coordinator
Gabe comes to the university after eight years working in affordable housing with Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity. Gabe is excited to put his eclectic experience, skills, and interests to use on the TRACERS project in the department of Physics & Astronomy.

Ian Masson

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Student Mentor
Daniel McGinnis

Daniel McGinnis, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
Daniel's research area is observational space physics and he studies the formation and evolution of the solar wind.

Jacob McLaughlin

Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Student Mentor
Jacob McLaughlin performs research in experimental plasma sciences, specializing in nonperturbative, laser-based diagnostic techniques.  Working with Dr. Skiff, his current focus is wave-particle interactions and kinetic instabilities.
Jodie McLennan

Jodie McLennan

Graduate Teaching Assistant
D. John Menietti

J. Douglas Menietti, Ph.D.

Research Scientist/Engineer
Dr. Menietti has extensive experience in space plasma data analysis and computation. Recent interests include wave growth analyses using the WHAMP dispersion solver for the space plasma environment. He has performed extensive analyses of Galileo and Polar plasma wave data and is credited with discovering control of Jovian Hectometric (HOM) emission by Ganymede. He has conducted analysis of Cassini plasma wave data studying diffusive acceleration of the electrons by chorus and Z-mode emission. Currently he is a Participating Scientist on the Juno Mission studying plasma waves in the Jovian magnetosphere.
Robert Merlino

Robert Merlino, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Robert L. Merlino is an Emeritus Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa. His research activities are in experimental plasma physics, where he has concentrated on performing experiments investigating processes of relevance to space plasma physics, and on the physics of dusty plasmas. His research has been funded by the Cottrell Research Corporation, the Office of Naval Research, NASA, NSF and DOE.
Alexi Mestvirishvil

Alexi Mestvirishvil

Assistant Research Scientist/Engineer
Yannick Meurice

Yannick Meurice, Ph.D.

Yannick Meurice is a Professor at the University of Iowa. He was a postdoc at CERN and Argonne National Laboratory and a visiting professor at CINVESTAV in Mexico City. His current work includes lattice gauge theory, tensor renormalization group methods, near conformal gauge theories, critical machine learning, quantum simulations with cold atoms and quantum computing. He is the PI of a multi-institutional DOE HEP QuantISED grant.
David Miles

David M. Miles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
David M. Miles is an experimental space physicist specializing in the development of next-generation spaceflight magnetic field instruments and particularly miniature instruments for nanosatellites and multi-point measurement constellations. His research interests include space weather, solar-terrestrial physics, and auroral dynamics including magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. He is the principal investigator for Principal Investigator of the Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites (TRACERS) Mission, the magnetic field instrument (MGF) on the Cassiopie/e-POP spacecraft (now funded by European Space Agency as Swarm-Echo) and is the instrument PI for the miniature fluxgate magnetometer (DFGM) on the Ex-Alta-1 CubeSat. He has provided fluxgate magnetnometers for sub-orbital sounding rockets (ICI-4, ICI-5 and Maxidusty-1b) and on ACES-II in 2021.
Matthew Millard

Matthew Millard, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Matthew's research has focused on studying the 3D morphology and dust properties of the remnants of supernova explosions at X-ray and infrared wavelengths.
Matt Miller

Matthew C. Miller

Engineering Coordinator
Michael Miller

Michael Miller

Design Engineer