
Fatima Toor

Fatima Toor, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Fatima Toor is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Iowa and has a secondary appointment in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. She is a researcher at the Iowa Technology Institute, Iowa-CREATES and MATFab Facility.
Ravitej Uppu 002

Ravitej Uppu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Ravi’s research investigates solid-state emitters coupled to a nanophotonic environment for realizing photonic qubits and spin-photon interfaces. He envisions that such nanophotonic devices will pave the way for real-world applications in quantum communication, simulation, and quantum-enhanced imaging. Ravi enjoys interacting with and training graduate and undergraduate students on optics, quantum physics, and statistical mechanics. Prior to UIowa, Ravi carried out research across the world [Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), University of Twente (Netherlands), and TIFR (India)] and continues to maintain active international collaborations. Ravi is the lead PI of the UI-QuantumSimulation team that was awarded a Jumpstarting Tomorrow grant in 2021.

Maryam Vaghefi Esfidani

Graduate Research Assistant
Maryam is interested in condensed matter and her area is understanding the optical properties of polar materials and semiconductor using a combination of experimental methods and numerical model.
Niels Van Venrooij

Niels Van Venrooij

Graduate Research Assistant
Jun Wang

Jun Wang, Ph.D.

Wang has joint appointments in the University of Iowa Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and the Iowa Informatics Initiative, and secondary affiliation with the Center for Global and Regional Environmental Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Center for Computer-Aided Design. His current research focuses on the integration of satellite remote sensing and chemistry transport model to study air quality, wildfires, aerosol-cloud interaction, and land-air interaction.
Antonio Washington phohto

Antonio Washington

Aerospace Project Engineer
Antonio is a Computer Engineer with a focus on Firmware (FPGA) for spaceflight hardware. He supports multiple efforts within the department where there is a need for "software" control to a spaceflight instrument, such as on TRACERS, MAGIC, PLASMIC, CHIMERA and ACES-II.
Wen, Yuanzheng

Yuanzheng Wen

Graduate Teaching Assistant
james wetzel

James Wetzel, Ph.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Wetzel received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 2014, where he develops R&D programs for Professor Yasar Onel. He was an visiting assistant professor of physics at Augustana College and is an adjunct assistant professor of physics at Coe College where he teaches its only Astronomy course and lab. His research interests include next generation radiation tolerant calorimetry.
Darrelle Wilkinson

Darrelle Wilkinson

Research Associate
Team member of Juno, TRACERS, Cassini, and Van Allen Probes missions. Work includes but is not limited to instrument commanding, data analysis, and dataset management
Markus Wohlgenannt

Markus Wohlgenannt, Ph.D.

Markus Wohlgenannt is a Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa. His research interests include experimental polymer physics.
Taylan Yetkin

Taylan Yetkin, Ph.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Taylan Yetkin is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
Hossein Zandipour

Hossein Zandipour

Graduate Research Assistant