
Anthony Moeller

Anthony Moeller, Ph.D.

Laboratory Coordinator
Momberg, John

John Momberg

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Mondoskin, Jessica

Jessica Mondoskin

Graduate Teaching Assistant

David Montealegre

Graduate Research Assistant
David Montealegre works in the field of solid-state physics. David's main research focus is in superlattice structures used in LEDs, lasers, and detectors. The goal for emitters in the mid-IR is to outcompete their blackbody counterparts for detector sources and thermal scene projectors. For Detectors in the far-IR, MCT detectors are the main competitor for light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and free space communication.
moore, aidan

Aidan Moore

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Katherine J. Morris

Katherine J. Morris

Aerospace Engineer
Robert Mutel

Robert Mutel, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Robert L. Mutel is a Professor Emeritus in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
Professor Jane Nachtman

Jane M. Nachtman, Ph.D.

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Jane Nachtman received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1997 followed by a postdoc at UCLA under Professor David Saltzberg. In 2002 she joined Fermilab as an associate scientist, ultimately becoming a Scientist I before joining the University of Iowa in 2007. Professor Nachtman's research involves CMS and DUNE R&D and commissioning, as well as CMS data analysis.

Raaman Nair

Graduate Research Assistant
Before joining the doctoral program at the University of Iowa, Raaman completed his BS in Physics & Astronomy, and MS in Applied Physics at Northern Arizona University. Later on, he was a Physics teacher at schools in Arizona.

Kristie Nault

Graduate Student
Kristie Nault is interested in high energy astrophysics and the spectroscopic study of stars.  She is currently working with Professor Casey DeRoo, studying the symbiotic star AG Dra and using spectra obtained with the Chandra LETG/HRC spectrometer in order to determine temperature, flux, and absorption of the dominant blackbody emission produced by the white dwarf component.

Matthew Nelson

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Student Mentor
As an undergraduate, Matthew earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics at the University of Iowa. His current research interests are in the fields of condensed matter physics and mathematical physics. He is on the Graduate Mentors leadership team.

Orgho Neogi

Graduate Research Assistant
Orgho Neogi is an experimental particle physicist working on the DUNE experiment, focusing on liquid argon TPC event reconstruction and developing machine learning techniques for particle physics analysis. He also works on the CMS experiment, testing prototype detectors for the Barrel Timing Layer upgrade. Before starting the Ph.D. program at Iowa, he earned bachelor's degrees in Physics and Computer Science from Cornell College and worked on DUNE (Wire-Cell reconstruction) and CMS (jet triggers).
Charles Newsom

Charles Newsom, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Emeritus
Charles R. Newsom is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
Yasar Onel

Yasar Onel, Ph.D.

Yasar Onel received his Ph.D. from London University in 1975 followed by a postdoc at Queen Mary University-London and work at the Universities of Neuchatel and Geneva. Professor Onel then moved to the University of Texas Austin in 1986 where he was part of the Fermilab E683 experiment. He joined the University of Iowa in 1988, working on the E704/E781 experiments before joining the CMS Collaboration in 1993 where he has led University of Iowa's HEP group since.
ozello, zane

Zane Ozzello

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Colin Packard

Graduate Research Assistant
Colin Packard’s research interests center primarily around instrumentation and hardware development, photometry, and observational astronomy. He is currently working with Dr. Philip Kaaret, Dr. Casey DeRoo, and Dr. Jun Wang on both X-ray detection with CMOS sensors, and the development and testing of sensor hardware for an air or space based platform for use in measuring atmospheric pollutants via Earth observing photometry.
Rachel Pauline

Rachel Pauline

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Gerald L. Payne

Gerald Payne, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Gerald L. Payne is a Professor Emeritus in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa.
payne, jacob

Jacob Payne

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Aldo Penzo

Aldo Penzo

Research Scientist/Engineer

Daniel Pette

Graduate Student
Dan is currently employed as an aerospace engineer while he pursues a PhD here at Iowa, part-time. He has lived in four states and enjoys weightlifting, hiking, road trips, craft beer, and classic literature.
Jolene Pickett

Jolene Pickett

Jolene's research interests lie in the area of space physics, specifically Electrostatic Solitary Waves, Auroral Kilometric Radiation and Chorus Waves observed in space plasmas. She is the NASA Principal Investigator of the Wideband Data (WBD) plasma wave instrument flying onboard the European Space Agency four-spacecraft Cluster mission, which has been in orbit for over 20 years.
Chris Piker

Chris Piker

Senior Database Administrator
Chris is primarily a server software developer, though he attends to public data archiving, relational database development, system administration, and adjacent areas as needed to assist space physics researchers. His software has provided science data products for many missions including Voyager and Juno and he is currently involved with TRACERS mission integration and test. Though his formal instruction is in physics and mathematics, Piker has been a programmer by trade since 1996. He has a keen interest in software performance and assisting others with their programs.
Wayne Polyzou

Wayne N. Polyzou, Ph.D.

Wayne N. Polyzou is a Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Iowa. His research interests include theoretical nuclear physics and mathematical physics.

Jonatan Posligua

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Jonatan is a first-year physics graduate student from Guayaquil, Ecuador. He came to the University of Iowa in 2017 to undertake his undergraduate studies and graduated with a Bachelor in Sciences in Astronomy and Physics in May, 2021. His research interests include gravitation, cosmology, mathematical physics, particle physics and quantum field theory. Outside of physics, his hobbies include sports, playing music, cooking and traveling.
Powers, Brendan

Brendan Powers

Graduate Teaching Assistant
pradhan, mohit

Mohit Pradhan

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Carol A. Preston

Carol A. Preston

Senior Accountant
Carol has been in the Department of Physics and Astronomy for the past 15 years, working primarily with the Craig Kletzing and David Miles research groups. Her work includes contract budget proposal preparation, monthly financial reporting, and financial projections and analysis. She has worked on the NASA sponsored Van Allen Probes (RBSP-EMFISIS), MMS, TRICE II, TRACERS, and MAGIC projects.
John Prineas

John P. Prineas, Ph.D.

Director of Research Operations
John is an experimentalist whose research is focused on properties of semiconductor materials using nanostructuring to achieve unique optical and electrical characteristics and to advance state-of-the-art applications such as sensing (environmental, defense) and quantum information. He is the departmental Director of Research Operations, received the 2022 Innovator of the Year Award, and is a member of the Iowa Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors. He recently developed new graduate courses in thin film materials and microfabrication and co-developed a course on quantum optics and nanophotonics.