Darrelle Wilkinson
Research Associate
Daily responsibilities
- Overviews downlinking data for Waves instrument on Juno
- Creates Waves sequences for flight on Juno spacecraft
- Creates and maintains datasets for research staff (plasma densities, upper hybrid frequencies, etc.)
- Updates procedures and protocols for Juno Waves processes (data mirroring, sequence creation, etc.)
- Helps with the centralized retention of knowledge in missions (putting written records on the Space Physics team website for example)
- TRACERS SOC member, assisting in development of SOC procedures
- Working with TRACERS MSC
She has experience with Linux, Python, Bash, Das II, IDL, Autoplot, Office, and Adobe and is trained in PDS4 archiving.
Darrelle is interested in learning more about Python programming, how space missions are created and what planning needs to be done to get to launch and beyond, and testing instruments on the bench.