Yasar Onel, PhD
Yasar Onel received his PhD from London University in 1975 followed by a postdoc at Queen Mary University-London and work at the Universities of Neuchatel and Geneva. Professor Onel then moved to the University of Texas Austin in 1986 where he was part of the Fermilab E683 experiment. He joined the University of Iowa in 1988, working on the E704/E781 experiments before joining the CMS Collaboration in 1993 where he has led University of Iowa's HEP group since.
Research interests
- Experimental elementary particle physics
- Nuclear physics
- Search for Higgs and super-symmetric (SUSY) particles
- Heavy ion collision research with the CMS detector (Compact Muon Selonoid Experiment on LHC) and construction of the ZDC (Zero Degree Calorimeter)
- Recent projects at Fermilab and CERN include construction of Forward Calorimeter for CMS, and development of parts of future detectors in proposed accelerators
- On-campus facilities: hardware lab with computer-controlled photomultiplier (PMT) test station with CAMAC, NIM electronics, and LabView data acquisition
- Students perform projects at accelerators, living and working there for one year or longer
- Students learn to design and build mechanical and electronic components of detectors and to write code
- Employment of previous Ph.D. students: professors, staff scientists in national or university labs, and industry
Research areas
- Nuclear and particle physics