Chris Piker
Senior Database Administrator
Chris is primarily a server software developer, though he attends to public data archiving, relational database development, system administration, and adjacent areas as needed to assist space physics researchers. His software has provided science data products for many missions including Voyager and Juno and he is currently involved with TRACERS mission integration and test. Though his formal instruction is in physics and mathematics, Piker has been a programmer by trade since 1996. He has a keen interest in software performance and assisting others with their programs.
- Software developer
- Downlink operations
- Ground support software for the Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, Van Allen Probes and Cassiope/ePOP missions
- NASA archive developer for Voyager, Cassini, Galileo, Mars Express, Dynamics Explorer, & ISEE
- Developer for the das2 multi-mission streaming data service
- Linux system administration
- Experienced C, Python & SQL developer
- Competent in C++, D, Java, Matlab, and other tools of the trade
- Enjoys helping others learn new skills