Radiation belt variability connection to interplanetary and magnetospheric drivers at various time-scales
Professor Ioannis Daglis; University of Athens
Abstract: Electrons in the outer Van Allen belt occasionally reach relativistic energies and therefore become a hazard for spacecraft operating in geospace, leading to significant potential risks. The energy and flux of these electrons can vary over time scales of years (related to the solar cycle), seasons (semi-annual variation), hours (magnetic storms), minutes (sudden storm commencements). Electric fields and plasma waves are the main factors regulating the electron transport, acceleration and loss. Both the fields and the plasma waves are driven directly or indirectly by disturbances originating at the Sun, propagating through interplanetary space and impacting the Earth. We review our current understanding of the response of outer Van Allen belt electrons to solar eruptions and their interplanetary extensions, i.e. interplanetary coronal mass ejections and high-speed solar wind streams and the associated stream interaction regions. We also discuss the magnetospheric processes that link interplanetary drivers with geospace electrons.
Short Bio: Ioannis (Yannis) Daglis is Professor and Head of the Space Physics Group at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and President of the Hellenic Space Center. His scientific expertise pertains to space physics and space applications. He is a Full Member of the International Academy of Astronautics and Editor-in-Chief of Annales Geophysicae. He has been a co-investigator of several ESA and NASA space missions and the Principal Investigator of a number of EU-funded and ESA-funded projects. He currently leads the Horizon2020 project SafeSpace (https://www.safespace-h2020.eu), which aims at advancing space weather nowcasting and forecasting capabilities through the development of a sophisticated model of the Van Allen electron belt and of a prototype space weather forecast service with a target lead time of 2 to 4 days.
He has published 110+ papers and has edited and co-authored 6 textbooks on space physics and space weather.
Prof. Daglis served as a Member of ESA's advisory Solar System Working Group (2005-2010) and as scientific advisor and technical expert for (among others) NASA, the Academy of Finland, Research Council of Norway, BELSPO (Belgian Federal Science Policy Office), Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, and the European Commission.