Adiabatic State Preparation in the Rydberg Atom Systems
Muhammad Asaduzzaman, PhD; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa
In this talk, I will discuss the adiabatic state preparation procedure and present some results for the state preparation for a Rydberg atom chain and ladder structure. We demonstrate practical challenges in the preparation of the ground state in different phases using the current neutral atom quantum computer developed by Quera and show some preliminary results on how to improve the fidelity of the prepared ground state using few new techniques.
If time remains after Dr. Asaduzzaman's presentation, Professor Yannick Meurice will summarize the results on filtered probabilities discussed during last week's seminar:
In recent years, simulators for lattice gauge theory and particle event generators have been proposed by making use of Rydberg atom arrays. In particular, ladder-shaped arrays can be used to approximate scalar QED in 1+1 dimensions. This quantum simulator has a rich phase diagram which has been explored experimentally using QuEra facilities. We report recent results regarding the observation of a floating phase (2401.08087) and the derivation of an effective Hamiltonian (2312.04436) for the simulator. Entanglement entropy plays a crucial role in the determination of the phase diagram discussed. We describe a recent proposal (2404.09935) to extract the entanglement entropy with user-driven QuEra measurements of a single copy of the system. We show empirically that this estimation provides a lower bound which becomes tighter when the empirical probabilities are filtered.