Mathematical Physics Seminar - Associate Professor of Instruction Kory Stiffler; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa

Mathematical Physics Seminar - Associate Professor of Instruction Kory Stiffler; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa promotional image

Moving Towards Supersymmetric Thomas-Whitehead Gravity via Adinkras

Associate Professor of Instruction Kory Stiffler; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa

Abstract: Non-linear supergravity has been understood for decades as a supersymmetric extension of Einstein-Hilbert gravity. Two crucial steps in extending the Einstein-Hilbert action to a supersymmetric action are:

  1. Extending the frame field to a superframe field.
  2. Extending bosonic spacetime to superspace.

It is currently unknown how to do each of these steps in Thomas-Whitehead gravity, though recent work by Rodgers et. al. has been completed to extend Thomas-Whitehead gravity to a graded space that is not supersymmetric (the full algebra of supersymmetry is not satisfied). An alternative procedure apart from working in superspace that would shed light on how to fully supersymmetrize a system is to:

  1. Reduce the bosonic system to one dimension
  2. Construct what is known as an adinkra picture that describes a supersymmetrization of the system
  3. Dimensionally extend back to higher dimensions.

This talk describes this alternative procedure for constructing known supergravity systems and introduces how it might be completed in the case of Thomas-Whitehead gravity.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Van Allen Hall
30 North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52242
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