Mathematical Physics Seminar - Peter Morgan, PhD; Yale University

Mathematical Physics Seminar - Peter Morgan, PhD; Yale University promotional image

A Signal Reanalysis of Renormalization

Peter Morgan, PhD; Yale University

A signal and data analysis interpretation of quantum mechanics gives an effective way to understand the measurement problem and the renormalization "problem." In this talk I will first focus on renormalization, for which signal analysis suggests an introduction of a nonlinearity that is not in the literature as far as I know, although some other approaches can be understood to herald the idea.

A reanalysis of real-space renormalization and of the renormalization group from this signal analysis perspective shows that this nonlinearity has always been present, but it is hidden differently in the two cases. I will present some new and I think interesting mathematical and physical ideas and questions that emerge.

In the second part of the talk, in whatever time remains, I will discuss the measurement problem from a signal analysis perspective, which will be somewhat similar to material I presented to the UIowa MP seminar in April 2022, but refined by a number of other presentations of the same material elsewhere.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Van Allen Hall
30 North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52242
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