Kory Stiffler, PhD

Associate Professor of Instruction

Kory Stiffler is a theoretical physicist with research interests in supersymmetry, black hole physics, cosmology, and string theory. For black hole physics and cosmology research, Kory focuses on Thomas-Whitehead gravity developed by Professor Vincent G. J. Rodgers (University of Iowa). In supersymmetry research, Kory focuses on adinkras: colorful diagrams encoding supersymmetry. To aid in adinkra research for students and colleagues, as owner of the GitHub organization HEPTHools, Kory along with several student members has developed the adinkra.m mathematica package (https://hepthools.github.io/Adinkra/).

Research areas
  • Mathematical physics
  • Nuclear and particle physics
Kory Stiffler
PhD, Physics, University of Iowa
MS, Physics, University of Iowa
BSE, Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa
Contact Information

University of Iowa
511 Van Allen Hall (VAN)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States