Vincent G.J. Rodgers, PhD


Vincent G. J. Rodgers is a Professor. His present research is at the intersection of string theory and field theory with a focus on developing a gravitational theory (Thomas-Whitehead Gravity) which incorporates the symmetries of string theories in four-dimensional gravity and chiral interactions with fermionic matter. Presently he directs the Diffeomorphisms and Geometry group which has several undergraduate and graduate students. He is also co-director of the LSAMP-IINSPIRE and a co-investigator in Iowa Sciences Academy at the University of Iowa. Vincent is a strong advocate of outreach and public engagement and can often be seen at Hawk-Eyes on Science and Hawk-Eyes in Space venues with colleague Dale Stille.   

Research interests

  • Theoretical particle physics
  • String theory


  • Topics include string theory with applications in gravitation, cosmology, superstring theories as unified theory, gauge/gravity correspondence
  • Numerical techniques developed for solutions in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), string theory
  • Students also: interact with students at other universities; participate in interdisciplinary work with mathematics department
  • Students develop mathematical skills including analytical, numerical, and symbolic methods
Research areas
  • Mathematical physics
  • Nuclear and particle physics
Vincent Rodgers
PhD, Syracuse University
Contact Information

University of Iowa
513 Van Allen Hall (VAN)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States