Degree Audits
What is a degree audit?
A Degree Audit is a formal evaluation of a student’s previous and current academic course work and an analysis of what degree requirements they still need to complete to graduate.
Click here for a video tutorial of the degree audit.
How to access a new degree audit:
- In MAUI, at the student’s advising page, go to the Audit Request/View Recent tab by using the Tabs dropdown menu near the top right of the page.
- In this tab, you can view previous degree audit reports and request new reports.
- To request a new degree audit, select a Program of Study (e.g., Physics BS, Astronomy BS) then hit submit in the Declared Programs of Study Audits section.
- To request a degree audit in an undeclared major or minor, select another Program of Study from the What-if Audits drop-down menu and then hit submit.
- After the job is submitted, it will take a while to complete. Wait a few seconds then hit the Refresh Audit List button in the blue box to refresh the table below.
- In the refreshed table, select the view link to open the report as a PDF file.
- Select the delete link to remove the report.
Degree Audit Checklist:
Degree Audit Codes:
- OK and a + plus sign indicates fulfilled requirements.
- NO and a – minus sign indicates a requirement which needs to be completed.
- IP or in progress indicates the student is currently enrolled in a course that meets the requirement.
Section 1: Semester Hours, GPA, and Residence Requirements
Until each item is fulfilled or satisfied, a minus sign (-) will appear. Once the item is fulfilled, the minus sign will change to a plus sign (+).
- Check that they are on track to reach 120 s.h. earned towards their degree.
- The number listed on their degree audit does not include their current (or future) registration.
- Semester hours listed could be different than the number under Total Semester Hours completed. For example, a maximum of 60 s.h. of credit will be given for all work from two-year institutions.
- Check that the overall GPA is 2.0 or higher.
- Check that the UI GPA is 2.0 or higher.
- Students will need a minimum of 30 s.h. in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Check that they are on track to complete the UI Residence Option. It is helpful to reference their Grade Report to track their semester hours at Iowa.
Section 2: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Regulations
The next section lists course work and how it applies to the academic rules of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The most common rules which could appear in the Degree Audit include:
- Courses that do not carry credit towards graduation. Most commonly Math courses such as Basic Algebra are found here.
- S/F Courses. S/F courses are satisfactory/unsatisfactory (pass/fail) courses. A max of 15 s.h. of S courses will apply toward the 120 s.h. degree requirement.
- Second-grade-only (SGO) courses. A maximum of three courses can be taken for SGO. Check for duplicated courses that are not listed as an SGO course. The student may need to submit the SGO form.
- Exam credit such as AP course credit.
- Transfer courses:
- All transfer work from 4-year institutions, and up to 60 s.h. from 2-year colleges, may count as hours earned toward degree.
- These will include a specific UI equivalency if applicable.
- Current UI registration: Courses in Progress (IP)
Section 3: Core/General Education Requirements
The next section of the Degree Audit lists General Education Core requirements (11 areas grouped into three categories). Any GE area with a – minus sign indicates a course which needs to be completed. You can learn more and find approved GE courses here.
Section 4: Degree Specific Requirements
The next section of the Degree Audit lists the major requirements. Any requirement course with a – minus sign indicates a course which needs to be completed. The major GPA is also important to track, since it must be 2.0 or higher by the time the student graduates. The major specific course requirements are listed in the following pages:
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Astronomy
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
- Bachelor of Arts in Physics
- Bachelor of Arts in Astronomy
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