The list of recent PhD and Master's graduates below contains the student's name, degree and semester received, and dissertation/thesis title.


Connor Feltman
Alfven wave-particle acceleration near the ionosphere: a rocket-borne investigation
PhD received Fall 2024
PhD Advisor: Greg Howes
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa

Jacob Fruchtman
Statistical analyses of the multi-scale spatial and temporal variation of martian bow shock and magnetosheath structure
PhD received Fall 2024
PhD Advisor: Jasper Halekas

Jacob McLaughlin
Investigation of ion dynamics and acoustic wave propagation in dipole-confined plasma
PhD received Fall 2024
PhD Advisor: Fred Skiff
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; West Virginia University


Sarah Henderson
Characterizing Global Behaviors of Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars
PhD received Fall 2023
PhD Advisor: Jasper Halekas
Employment: Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Montana State University

Sean Gunderson
X-Ray Lines: The High Energy Signatures of Massive-Star Wind Dynamics
PhD received Fall 2023
PhD Advisor: Kenneth Gayley
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

Vitaliy Zhuravlyov
Microscopic Structure in a Two-Dimensional Liquid-Like Dusty Plasma
PhD received Fall 2023
PhD Advisor: John Goree
Employment: KLA Corporation; Michigan

Robert Maxton
Finite and Its Continuous Limit
PhD received Fall 2023
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice

Sanjay Chepuri
Studying Earth's Magnetosphere with Energetic Particle Observations
PhD received Spring 2024
PhD Advisor: Allison Jaynes
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa

Jayasri Joseph
Wave Particle Interplay in Planetary Magnetosperes - Case Studies from Earth and Jupiter
PhD received Spring 2024
PhD Advisor: Allison Jaynes
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa

Collin Brown
Methods for Isolation and Phase-Space Energization Analysis of Instabilities in Collisionless Shocks with Applications
PhD received Spring 2024
PhD Advisor: Greg Howes
Employment: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Research Associate & Postdoctoral Fellow

Keith Vidal
Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields from Strongly Coupled Plasmas to Whistler-Mode Chorus Waves
PhD received Spring 2024
PhD Advisor: Allison Jaynes
Employment: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Iowa

Tyler Grover
Black Holes and Radiative Degrees of Freedom of Thomas - Whithead Gravity
PhD received Summer 2024
PhD Advisor: Vincent Rodgers
Employment: Visiting Assistant Professor, Grinnell College

Kenton Greene
A New Fluxgate Magnetometer Design Applied For Spaceborne Studies of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
PhD received Summer 2024
PhD Advisor: David Miles
Employment: Research Assistant, University of Iowa

Punit Sharma
Search for a Cp-Odd Higgs Boson Decaying Into a CP-Even Higgs Boson and a Z-Boson in the LLTT and VVBB Final States
PhD received Summer 2024
PhD Advisor: Usha Mallik
Employment: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory


David Montealegre
Integrating Efficient W-Superlattices and Cavities into Mid-Wave LEDs and VCSELs
PhD received Fall 2022
PhD Advisor: John Prineas
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 

Joseph Sink
Tight-Binding Parameters for Wurtzite-Zincblende Crystal Phase Heterostructures
PhD received Fall 2022
PhD Advisor: Craig Pryor
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa

Riley Troyer
The Implications and Characteristics of Diffuse-Like but Dynamic Aurora
PhD received Spring 2023
PhD Advisor: Allison Jaynes
Employment: Researcher, Space Dynamics Laboratory; Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sarah Conley
Characterizing the Velocity Space Signatures of Electron Landan Damping
PhD received Spring 2023
PhD Advisor: Gregory Howes
Employment: NSF Postdoctoral Scholar; Princeton University

Daniel Simons
The Z-Expansion: Applications in Particle Decay and Scattering Processes
PhD received Spring 2023
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Teacher at Bellevue High School, WA

Zoe Bellis
Undergraduate Learners' Prior Knowledge in an Introductory Astronomy Course
MS received Spring 2023
PhD Advisor: Keri Hoadley

Dustin Swarm
Data-driven Exploration in X-ray Astronomy: Investigating Intermediate Polar Candidates Found Among Unusual Objects Selected by an Unsupervised Outlier Identification Algorithm
PhD received Summer 2023
PhD Advisor: Casey DeRoo
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa

Katrina Schrock
Mid-Infrared LED Efficiency Enhancement Via The Percell Effect, W-Superlattics, and Metalenses
PhD received Summer 2023
PhD Advisor: John Prineas
Employment: Laser Test and Operations Specialist, Laser Test and Operations SpecialistGNO-SYS Technology Ltd. 

Diksha Garg
OPC-UA Server for Inner Tracker of Atlas Experiment and Ultra-High-Energy Neutrino Propagation Through Earth Using Nupyprop
PhD received Summer 2023
PhD Advisor: Mary Hall Reno
Employment: Postdoctoral research position working with Professor Mary Hall Reno, University of Iowa

Yueguang Shi
Ferrimagnetic Organic Semi-Conductors and Lanthanides, A Density Functional Approach
PhD received Summer 2023
PhD Advisor: Michael Flatte
Employment: Postdoctoral Scholar; University of Iowa


Evan Abbuhl
Very Long Baseline Inteferometry of Chromospherically Active Binary Stars
PhD received Spring 2022
PhD Advisor: Kenneth Gayley

Brandon Bergerud
A deep Learning Approach Towards Identifying Spiral Structure in Galaxies
PhD received Summer 2022
PhD Advisor: Steven Spangler

Jesse Bluem
An X-ray Study of the Effects of Stellar Feedback on Galaxy Evolution and Structure
PhD received Summer 2022
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret

Arran Gross
Dual Active Galactic Nuclei from Rainbows to Radio: Testing the Radio-Selection Method with Optical Spectroscopy in the Stripe 82 Field
PhD received Spring 2022
Advisor: Hai Fu

Kwangyul Hu
Spin Wave Dynamics in Non-trivial Magnetic Geometries
PhD received Spring 2022
Advisor: Michael Flatte

Dylan Pare
Investigating Properties of Multi-Stranded Filament Structures in the Galactic Center
PhD received Spring 2022
Advisor: Cornelia Lang

Josh Steffen
Evidence For Merger-Induced AGN Fueling Using Integral Field Spectroscopy
PhD received Spring 2022
Advisor: Hai Fu

Jonathan Sullivan-Wood
Cosmological Calculation Conundrum: Computational Methods to Constrain the Cosmological Constant
MS received Summer 2022
PhD Advisor: Craig E. Pryor

Ashok Tiwari
Monte Carlo Simulations and Phantom Measurements towards more Quantitative Dosimetry and Imaging in Nuclear Medicine
PhD received Spring 2022
Advisor: John Sunderland

Adam Zieser
A Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations of Dual-Energy and Proton Computed Tomographic Imaging with a Scintillating Glass Calorimeter
PhD received Summer 2022
Advisor: Yasar Onel

2020 - 2021

Mohammad Alhusseini
Evidence of the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying to two muons
PhD received Summer 2021
PhD Advisor: Yasar Onel

Anindya Ghosh
Search for dark matter in association with a Standard Model Higgs boson decaying to two b-quarks with the ATLAS detector
PhD received Summer 2021
PhD Advisor: Usha Mallik

Kenneth Heitritter
Cosmological Implications of the Diffeomorphism Field
PhD received Summer 2021
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

Gian Andreone
Improving Electron Measurements in Space Plasma Environments through instrument Design and Data Analysis
PhD received Spring 2021
PhD Advisor: Jasper S. Halekas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Princeton University

Nilay Bostan
The Study of Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Fluxes and NA61/SHINE (CERN) 60 GeV Pion Incident Data
MS received Fall 2020
Advisor: Yasar Onel

Erik Gustafson
Quantum Computing for Field and Gauge Theories in the NISQ Era
PhD received Spring 2021
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Fermilab

Daniel McGinnis
Electron Measurements of the Nascent Solar Wind with the Parker Solar Probe
PhD received Spring 2021
PhD Advisor: Jasper S. Halekas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position working with Professor Gregory Howes, University of Iowa

Jacob Richardson
Halosat Observations of the Cygnus Loop
MS received Spring 2021
Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret

Arya Afshari
An Analysis of Electron Landau Damping as a Turbulent Dissipation Mechanism in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
PhD received Fall 2020
PhD Advisor: Craig A. Kletzing
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the University of Iowa

Sirajudheen Kuthini Kunhammed
Simple Relativistic Quark Models
PhD received Fall 2020
PhD Advisor: Wayne N. Polyzou
Employment: Returned to India for employment

Stephen McMillan
Spin-Selective Transport in Semiconductor Spintronics and Single-Defect Quantum Technology
PhD received Fall 2020
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatte
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the University of Iowa

2019 - 2020

Samuel Brensinger
Projective Gauge Gravity
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rogers
Employment: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH

Sadie Elliott
Whistler-Mode Waves and the Acceleration of Energetic Electrons in the Jovian Polar Region: Observations from the Juno Spacecraft
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: Jasper S. Halekas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position working with Professor Bill Kurth, University of Iowa

Marc Herrmann
Algebraic Formulation of the Light-Front Vacuum
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: Wayne N. Polyzou

Anton Kananovich
Shock Waves in Dusty Plasma
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: John A. Goree
Employment:  Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Appalachian State University

Daniel LaRocca
A HaloSat X-ray Analysis of the North Polar Spur
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Penn State University

Xinxin Li
Carrier Dynamics in III-V Compound Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Nanowires, Superlattices and Quaternaries
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL

Calvin Mera
On Projective Connection and their Potential Application to 4-Dimensional Topology
PhD received Summer 2020
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

Ryan Hood
Study of the Plasma Boundary using Laser-Induced Fluorescence
PhD received Spring 2020
PhD Advisor: Frederick N. Skiff
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA

Stephanie Howard
Resonant Interactions Between Ultra Low Frequency Waves and Reflected Ions in the Lunar Plasma Environment
PhD received Spring 2020
PhD Advisor: Jasper S. Halekas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, Maryland

Kailing Zhang
Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Inas Nanowires
PhD received Spring 2020
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas
Employment: Optoelectronics engineer at Facebook virtual reality lab

Sarah Henderson
An Analysis of Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen At Mars: Observations by the Maven Spacecraft
MS received Fall 2019
Advisor: Jasper S. Halekas

Aaron Muhowski
Exotic Superlattices and Efficiency Improvements for Next Generation Infrared Light Emitting Diodes
PhD received Fall 2019
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at University of Texas at Austin

2018 - 2019

Samuel Foreman
Learning Better Physics: A Machine Learning Approach to Lattice Gauge Theory
PhD received Summer 2019
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL

Patrick Wilcox
Observations of Supernova Remnants at Very High Energies Using Veritas
PhD received Summer 2019
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at University of Minnesota

Weidong Bai
Tau Neutrino Fluxes in Accelerator Experiments
PhD received Spring 2019
PhD Advisor: Mary Hall Reno

Arran Gross
Investigating the Nature of Dual Active Galactic Nuclei
MA received Spring 2019
Advisor: Hai Fu

Kenneth Heitritter
Projective Geometry and Gravitation
MA received Spring 2019
Advisor: Hai Fu

Diego de Floor e Silva
Critical Behavior of Multiflavor of Gauge Theories
PhD received Fall 2018
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Returned to Brazil, teaching position

Nathaniel Shaffer
Theory of Collisional Transport in Ultracold Neutral Plasmas
PhD received Fall 2018
PhD Advisor: Scott D. Baalrud
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico

2017 - 2018

Jorge Berumen Cantu
Kinetic Picture of Ion Acoustic Wave Reflection Using Laser-induced Fluorescence
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: Frederick N. Skiff
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the University of Iowa

Natalie Butterfield
Kinematics and Evolution of Massive Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: Cornelia C. Lang
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia

Sebastian DePascuale
Critical Behavior of Multiflavor of Gauge Theories
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: Craig A. Kletzing
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at Oak Ridge National Lab in Oak Ridge, TN in the Plasma Theory and Modeling Research Group

Runxiong Dong
Muon Identification Efficiency Measured with the CMS Detector at Sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
MA received Summer 2018
Advisor: Hai Fu

Suleyman Durgut
Evidence of a Narrow Structure in Y(1S)1^- Mass Spectrum and CMS Phase I & II Silicon Detector
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: Jane Nachtman

Kevser Sahin Tiras
Magnetic Field Effect and Other Spectroscopies of Organic Semiconductor and Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Perovskite Devices
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: Marcus Wohlgenannt

Chun-Shang Wong
Experimental Study of Microscopic Stochastic Processes in Strongly Coupled Plasma
PhD received Summer 2018
PhD Advisor: John A. Goree

Feng Chu
Validation of a Lagrangian Model for Laser-induced Fluorescence
PhD received May 2018
PhD Advisor: Frederick N. Skiff
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the University of Iowa

Allison Costa
A Study of Magnetic Fields in HII Regions Using Faraday Rotation
PhD received May 2018
PhD Advisor: Steven R. Spangler
Employment: Postdoctoral research scholar at the University of Virginia

Delalcan Kilic
The Diffeomorphism Field
PhD received May 2018
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rogers
Employment: Unknown, returned to Turkey

Sarker Anik Iqbal
Effects of Interactions in Field-Induced Resonances in Electron Gases and Superfluids
PhD received December 2017
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

Sean Mattingly
Velocity Space Degrees of Freedon of Plasma Fluctuations
PhD received December 2017
PhD Advisor: Frederick N. Skiff
Employment: Systems Engineer at Rockwell Collins

Russell Ricker
Advances in INAS/GASB Type-II Superlattice Light-Emitting Diode Arrays
PhD received December 2017
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas
Employment: Systems Engineer at Lockheed-Martin

Yifei Wang
A Study of Magnetic Field Effect in Orgaic Semiconductor Devices
PhD received December 2017
PhD Advisor: Markus Wohlgenannt

2016 - 2017

Zechariah Gelzer
Lattice Gauge Theories Within and Beyond the Standard Model
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at UIUC

Zachary Haralson
Viscious Transport in Liquid-Like Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasmas
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: John A. Goree
Employment: Aeronautical Engineer at Lockheed-Martin

Viktor Khristenko
A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the μ+μ - Decay Channel in PP Collisions at sqrt(S) = 13 TEV in CMS, Callibration of CMS Hadron Forward Calorimeter, and Simulations of Modern Calori
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Yasar Onel
Employment: Software Engineer at CERN, Switzerland

Minh Luu
Tau Neutrino Propagation Through Earth: Structure Function Parametrization and Dipole Model
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Mary Hall Reno
Employment: Unknown, returned to Vietnam

Brett Scheiner
Theory and Simulation of Electron Sheaths and Anode Spots in Low Pressure Plasmas
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Scott D. Baalrud
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico

James Schroeder
Exploring the Alfvén-wave Acceleration of Auroral Electrons in the Laboratory
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Frederick N. Skiff
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at the University of Iowa

Emrah Tiras
Search for Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in ee + jets Events with the CMS Detector in pp Collisions at √s = 8 TeV  & Research and Development Students for Photodetectors and Calorimeters at LHC and Future Colliders
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Yasar Onel
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Iowa State University

Judah Unmuth-Yockey
The Tensor Renormalization Group and Applications to Quantum Simulation with Optical Lattices with Cold Atoms
PhD received August 2017
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at Syracuse University

Matthew Brorby
X-ray Binaries in Local Analogs to the First Galaxies
PhD received May 2017
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret
Employment: Data scientist at Amazon

Maksat Haytmyradov
The First Observation of Y(1S) Pair Production and Hadron Calorimetry Upgrade at CMS
PhD received May 2017
PhD Advisor: Jane M. Nachtman

Dominic Ludovici
Radio Studies of the Galactic Center, Developing Spectroscopic Instrumentation for Robotic Telescopes, and Creating Active Learning Astronomy Laboratory Activities
PhD received May 2017
PhD Advisor: Cornelia C. Lang
Employment: Visiting Assistant Professor, Rose-Hulman

Glade Sietsema
Properties and Dynamics of Spin Waves in One and Two Dimensional Magnonic Crystals
PhD received November 2016
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

2015 - 2016

Casey DeRoo
Fabricating and Testing Off-Plane Reaction Gratings for Use in a Rocket-Bourne X-ray Spectrometer
PhD received 2016
PhD Advisor: Randall L. McEntaffer
Employment: Named the Leon Van Speybroeck Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, MA. Current Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa

Wenhao Hu
First Principles Investigations of Single Dopants in Diamond and Silicon Carbide
PhD received July 2016
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

Jason Kooi
Very Large Array Faraday Rotation Studies of Coronal Plasma
PhD received June 2016
PhD Advisor: Steven R. Spangler

Sydney Provence
Next Generation Mid-Wave Infrared Cascaded Light Emitting Diodes: Growth of Broadband, Multispectral, and Single Color Devices on GaAs and Integrated Circuits
PhD received June 2016
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas
Employment: Technical Staff, Lasertel Corp, Tuscon, AZ

Yigit Aytac
Time-Resolved Measurements of Charge Carrier Dynamics in MWIR to LWIR InAs/InAsSb Superlattices
PhD received May 2016
PhD Advisor: Thomas F. Boggess
Employment: Postdoctoral research position in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at the University of Maryland

Levent Sensoy
GeO-PET: A Novel 4π Geometry Organ - PET for Small Animals
PhD received April 2016
PhD Advisor: John J. Sunderland
Employment: Postdoctoral research position at University of California, Davis

Hannah Marlowe
Polarimetric and Spectrographic Instrumentation to Enable Next Generation X-ray Observatories
PhD received March 2016
PhD Advisor: Randall L. McEntaffer

Kamuran Dilsiz
Cross Section Measurement of Simultaneously Produced Upsilon and J/Psi Mesons and Upgrade Studies for the CMS Detector
PhD received February 2016
PhD Advisor: Jane M. Nachtman

Hasan Ogul
Measurement of the Differential Cross Sections and Charge Asymmetry of Inclusive pp->W (μν) Production with 8 TeV CMS Data and CMS Single Muon Trigger Efficiency Study
PhD received February 2016
PhD Advisor: Jane M. Nachtman

2014 - 2015

Scott Griffiths
Exploring the Limits of Lorentz Invariance with VERITAS Gamma-Ray Observations of Markarian 421
PhD received July 2015
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret

Victoria Kortan
Transition-Metal Dopants in Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductors: Symmetry and Exchange Interactions from Tight-Binding Models
PhD received July 2015
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

Cuneyt Sahin
Spin Dynamics of Complex Oxides, Bismuth-Antimony Alloys, and Bismuth Chalcogenides
PhD received July 2015
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

Jennifer Alexander
Optical Properties of Mineral Dust Aerosol Including Analysis of Particle Size, Composition, and Shape Effects, and the Impact of Physical and Chemical Processing
PhD received May 2015
PhD Advisor: Paul D. Kleiber

Xing Li
Novel Brachytherapy Techniques for Cervical Cancer and Prostate Cancer
PhD received April 2015
PhD Advisor: Ryan Flynn

John Meyer
Experiments in Flowing and Freely Expanding Dusty Plasmas
PhD received April 2015
PhD Advisor: Robert L. Merlino

Catherine Whiting
Duality Symmetries in String-Inspired Supergravity: T-Dualities and the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence
PhD received April 2015
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

Jershon Lopez
Demagnetization Diagnostics in Collisionless Space Plasma Layers
PhD received January 2015
PhD Advisor: Jack D. Scudder

Asli Yildirim
Phase Separation and Defect Formation in Stable, Metastable, and Unstable GaInAsSb Alloys for Infrared Applications
PhD received September 2014
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas

Tuna Yildirim
Topologically Massive Yang-Mills Theory and Link Invariants
PhD received September 2014
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

2013 - 2014

Bradly Button
Applications of the Holographic Principle in String Theory
PhD received July 2014
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

Amit Kumar Mukhopadhyay
Statistics for Motion of Microparticles in a Plasma
PhD received July 2014
PhD Advisor: John A. Goree

Quentin Roper
Using Poisson Statistics to Analyze Supernova Remnant Emission in the Low Counts X-ray Regime
PhD received July 2014
PhD Advisor: Randall L. McEntaffer

James Wetzel
A Search for a Heavy Majorana Neutrino and a Radiation Damage Simulation for the HF Detector
PhD received July 2014
PhD Advisor: Jane M. Nachtman

Haiyuan Zou
Tensor Renormalization Group Methods for Spin and Gauge Models
PhD received July 2014
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice

Suranga Ruhunusiri
Investigation of Collective Phenomena in Dusty Plasmas
PhD received June 2014
PhD Advisor: John A. Goree

Christene Lynch
Radio Studies of Magnetic Fields of Cool Stars
PhD received May 2014
PhD Advisor: Robert L. Mutel

Anthony Moeller
Forward Physics in CMS: Simulation of PMT Hits in HF and Higgs Mass Reconstruction Methods with a Focus on Forward Jet Tagging
PhD received March 2014
PhD Advisor: Yasar Onel

Alan denBleyker
Study of Phase Transitions in Spin and Gauge Models Using Fisher’s Zeros
PhD received December 2013
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice

Kristopher Klein
The Kinetic Plasma Physics of Solar Wind Turbulence
PhD received November 2013
PhD Advisor: Gregory G. Howes

Ran Lin
Organic Spintronic Devices Utilizing Spin-Injection, Spin-Tunneling and Spin-Dependent Transport
PhD received November 2013
PhD Advisor: Markus Wohlgenannt

Timothy Harrington-Taber
Heavy Flavor Decay of Zgamma at CDF
PhD received October 2013
PhD Advisor: Jane M. Nachtman

Dennis Norton
Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice LEDs: Applications for Infrared Scene Projector Systems
PhD received October 2013
PhD Advisor: Thomas F. Boggess

2012 - 2013

Thomas Brantseg
Core-Collapse Supernova Remnants and Interactions with Their Surroundings
PhD received July 2013
PhD Advisor: Randall L. McEntaffer

Yuzhi Liu
Renormalization Group and Phase Transitions in Spin, Gauge and QCD-like Theories
PhD received July 2013
PhD Advisor: Yannick Meurice

Stephen Kaeppler
A Rocket-Bourne Investigation of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Auroral-Ionosphere
PhD received March 2013
PhD Advisor: Craig A. Kletzing

Benjamin Olson
Time-Resolved Measurements of Charge Carrier Dynamics and Optical Nonlinearities in Narrow-Bandgap Semiconductors
PhD received February 2013
PhD Advisor: Thomas F. Boggess

Lee Murray
Investigations into Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InAs/GaSb Superlattices
PhD received December 2012
PhD Advisor: John P. Prineas

Warren Clarida
Same Sign Dimuon Search for Heavy Majorana Mass Neutrinos at the CMS Experiment at CERN and Design Studies of a Quartz Plate Calorimeter Prototype
PhD received December 2012
PhD Advisor: Yasar Onel

Kevin Nielson
Analysis and Gyrokinetic Simulation of MHD Alfvén Wave Interactions
PhD received December 2012
PhD Advisor: Gregory G. Howes

2011 - 2012

Xiaolong Liu
Investigation of K-String Energy Using The GaugeGravity Correspondence
PhD received July 2012
PhD Advisor: Vincent G. J. Rodgers

Benjamin Moehlmann
Spin Transport In Strained Non-Magnetic Zinc Blende Semiconductors
PhD received July 2012
PhD Advisor: Michael E. Flatté

James Rybicki
Frequency and Time Domain Studies Of Magneto-Transport and Charge Trapping in Amorphous Organic Semiconductors
PhD received July 2012
PhD Advisor: Markus Wohlgenannt

Kazuma Tsurusaki
Veritas Observations of Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources
PhD received July 2012
PhD Advisor: Philip E. Kaaret