Hai Fu, PhD
Research interests
- Observational extragalactic astronomy
- Galaxy mergers
- Starburst galaxies
- Active galactic nuclei
Galaxies like our Milky Way are the building blocks of the Universe. After decades of research, we now know that, over the past 13.7 billion years, massive galaxies like our Milky Way have grown from tiny overdensities in an essentially homogeneous universe to large ensembles of stars, gas, and dark matter. But it's a complex process that is difficult to understand, because galaxies do not evolve in isolation and they exhibit large diversities. To make progress in this quest, astronomers divide the galaxy population into various categories at different epoches and study each category in great detail, hoping that eventually we will piece together a coherent story.
Previously, Prof. Fu studied quasar extended emission-line regions, the coevolution of black holes and galaxies, double-peaked emission-line active galactic nuclei, and the brightest dusty starforming galaxies. He has observed these facinating objects with integral-field spectroscopy, adaptive optics, radio interferometers, and space-based telescopes. Currently, his research interests focus on understanding the effects of galaxy mergers with SDSS-IV/MaNGA integral-field spectroscopy, probing dark matter in high-redshift star-forming galaxies with gas kinematics from ALMA, and tracing the large-scale gas supply of high-redshift starburst galaxies with quasar absorption-line spectroscopy.
Refereed publications
- Astronomy and astrophysics