Several students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy were candidates for degrees at Fall Commencement ceremonies Dec. 16-17.
David Montealegre and Joseph Sink were candidates for a doctorate degree in physics. Montealegre is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, while Sink has accepted a post doc position with Prof. Micheal Flatte.
Brandon Bergerud, Jesse Bluem, and Adam Zieser earned a Ph.D. in Physics in Summer of 2022 and were honored at the Fall Commencement program.
Connor Feltman and Vitaliy Zhuravlyov were candidates for a master's degree in physics. Collin Brown, Kenton Greene, and Jonathan Sullivan-Wood were conferred master's degrees in Summer 2022.
Candidates for bachelor's degrees included Zachary Vig (Physics and Geoscience B.S.), along with Quinn Langfitt and Dustin Stansbury who minored in Physics
Ryan Parian received a B.A. in Physics and Ace Leslie White received a B.S. in Physics in Summer of 2022.

at Fall 2022 Commencement

Assistant Professor David Miles served as faculty marshal and gave the Call to Order at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony, while Departmental Administrator Heather Mineart served as a marshal.
A livestream of the CLAS ceremony is available; see also streams of the Graduate Doctoral Commencement Ceremony and the Graduate Masters Commencement Ceremony