Several UI Physics and Astronomy students presented posters at the 15th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Conference on July 27 at the Iowa Memorial Union Main Lounge.
Sponsored by the University of Iowa Graduate College, this conference brings together undergraduate students who have been conducting summer research projects in UI departments and programs across the University's colleges. The event serves as an important professional development opportunity for students preparing for careers in research.
Participating UI students and Grinnell College students working with UI students and advisors, their poster title, and faculty mentor:

Jacob Andrews, “DUNE: machine learning for neutrino physics,” Jane Nachtman.

Jeff Leiberton, “A Chandra x-ray data analysis of a supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud Astronomy,” Casey DeRoo.

Zeineb Mezghanni (Grinnell College), “Learning quantum mechanics through quantum hardware,” Yannick Meurice.

John Momberg, “Investigating the correlation between magnetic waves and the Northern Lights,” Sapna Shekhar

Samridh Singh (Grinnell College) and Erik Biedke, “Towards quantum gravity via projective geometry,” Vincent Rodgers.

Minwoo Son (Grinnell College) and John Horne, “The origin and interaction of dark matter with the standard model,” Vincent Rodgers.

Hazal Deniz Zenger (Grinnell College), “Gravitational radiation and projective geometry,” Vincent Rodgers.
Mezghanni will receive a $100 award for the Andrew Nelson Undergraduate Research Prize, which recognizes the top Physics and Astronomy undergraduate research poster; Andrews was runner-up.
Twelve students in the Edge of Space summer program from the UI and across the country presented posters, mentored by Allison Jaynes, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Susan Meerdink, assistant professor in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences:

Quentin Smith, Jose Castelblanco, Raemalin Hancock, Alexa Houck: “MIRAGE: Measurements of Ionizing Radiation via Geiger tube Experiments.”

Jennifer Ochs, Aashman Rastogi, Tessa Vu, Simon Winter: “APIS: Ashton Prairie Infrared Sensing.”

Amber Birdwell, Ian McLean, Sebastian Oropeza, “Angel Soto: Sixth Sense: LiDAR observations of prairie vegetation.”