Congratulations to Yuzhi Liu for successfully defending his PhD dissertation on "Renormalization Group and Phase Transitions in Spin, Gauge and QCD-like Theories."
"Yuzhi Liu’s thesis proposes new computational methods to handle phase transitions in spin and gauge models. The work relies on the renormalization group approach of lattice models designed to derive the large distance behavior of these models in terms of their microscopic interactions. One important goal of the work is to identify nontrivial infrared fixed points relevant to build new theories where the Brout-Englert-Higgs particle is made of new particles interacting strongly at high energy scales that are being explored at the Large Hadron Collider."
— Yannick Meurice, PhD advisor
Yuzhi is completing an URA sponsored internship with the theory group at Fermilab. He will be a postdoctoral researcher in the lattice gauge theory group at University of Colorado in Boulder in September 2013.
List of Recent Graduates