Yannick Meurice, PhD
Yannick Meurice is a professor at the University of Iowa. He obtained his PhD at U C Louvain-la-Neuve in 1985 under the supervision of Jacques Weyers and Gabriele Veneziano. He was a postdoc at CERN and Argonne National Laboratory and a visiting professor at CINVESTAV in Mexico City. He joined the faculty of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa in 1990. His current work includes lattice gauge theory, tensor renormalization group methods, near conformal gauge theories, critical machine learning, quantum simulations with cold atoms and quantum computing. He is the PI of a multi-institutional DOE HEP QuantISED grant.
Research interests
- Lattice field theory
- QuLat Collaboration
- Quantum computing for quantum field theory
- Quantum simulation of condensed matter models
- Renormalization group methods
- Composite Brout-Englert-Higgs bosons
- Decays of B-mesons (with the theory group at Fermilab)
- Gauge interactions on optical lattices
- Numerical simulations on home made clusters and at national facilities
- Quantum Field Theory methods: Feynman diagrams, strong-coupling expansion, large-N approximations
- Employment of former students: postdocs at five major universities in the U.S. and one in Ireland; senior research scientist in driving simulation project; software engineer in industry; college instructor; medical physics
- Students can be involved with the theory group at Fermilab
- Students are involved weekly in two seminars
- Students travel to summer schools and conferences
Research areas
- Nuclear and particle physics
- Condensed matter and materials physics
- Mathematical physics
- Quantum information