Vincent G.J. Rodgers, Ph.D.

Director of Graduate Studies

Vincent Rodgers is Director of Graduate Studies and professor. His present research is at the intersection of string theory and field theory with a focus on developing a gravitational theory (Thomas-Whitehead Gravity) which incorporates the symmetries of string theories in four-dimensional gravity and chiral interactions with fermionic matter. Presently he directs the Diffeomorphisms and Geometry group which has several undergraduate and graduate students. He is also co-director of the LSAMP-IINSPIRE and a co-investigator in Iowa Sciences Academy at the University of Iowa. Vincent is a strong advocate of outreach and public engagement and can often be seen at Hawk-Eyes on Science and Hawk-Eyes in Space venues with colleague Dale Stille.   

Research Interests: 

Theoretical particle physics; string theory.

  • Topics include string theory with applications in gravitation, cosmology, superstring theories as unified theory, gauge/gravity correspondence
  • Numerical techniques developed for solutions in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), string theory
  • Students also: interact with students at other universities; participate in interdisciplinary work with mathematics department
  • Students develop mathematical skills including analytical, numerical, and symbolic methods
Research areas
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
Vincent Rodgers
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1985
Contact Information

513 Van Allen Hall (VAN)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States